A client that already owns several works of mine saw a painting that was sold to a designer some years ago.  

                                                Double White Darwins on Slate Ground.

As it happens, the designer is also the one who designed the interiors of my client's Potomac home. You may have seen this home featured in Southern Accents, Nov./Dec. 2008.  The designer is none other than the very talented Fiona Weeks and is a very good client of mine as well.
                                         Magnolia on Blue Ground pictured in the bedroom.
                                   Orchid on Chocolate Ground pictured in the family room.

Weeks has commissioned works for herself, her clients and her showroom, Dwelling and Design in Easton, MD.

Now my client is 'fluffing up' her farm house and wanted to commission a similar work in the same vein as the Double Whites but with a softer feel for her bedroom.  The farm house was initially decorated by the Atlanta based Dan Carithers.  Mr. Carithers was one of the first top designers to purchase my work when I began my career as an artist in Atlanta many years ago.  Since Carithers' work is timeless, not much needed to be done to update the farm house.  That job has now been taken over by Austin Mann, previously an associate of Carithers, now with her own design business.

Since the painting my client loved was too strong for the farm house bedroom, we decided to so a similar piece with a much softer, lighter feel.  We switched out the stark slate background replaced it with a sand color to better blend with the tans, ivories and blues of the room.
I'm pleased with the completed piece and can't wait to see it installed in it's new home.

                                          Double White Darwins on Sand Color Ground.

If you would like to commission a work of art for your own home, please feel free to contact me through my website, www.johnmatthewmoore.com

For more information on Fiona Weeks, you can fine her at www.dwellinganddesign.com.

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